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Monday, April 19, 2010

Music Bingo (aka "Singo")


Title: Musical Bingo

Domain: cognitive, music

Population: Adult Mental Health (Forensics)

Category: memory, leisure activity, reality orientation

Materials: pre-made Bingo cards, chords to all songs on sheets, guitar, bingo card markers, papers with songs/artists to draw, prizes for winners

1. Let clients choose a Bingo card and give them place markers
2. Begin drawing songs and singing them
3. Clients mark off either song names, singers, or both from their cards.
4. When someone gets 5 in a row, they yell “BINGO!”
5. Check to make sure they had all of their answers correct. If they do, they win and get a prize.

Behavioral Observation: Participation, reality orientation, leisure skills, memory

Source: Songs by various artists, compiled for specific population by me

Submitted by: Bethany Clayton; 3/23/2010

Bingo cards: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Wonderful World


Title: Wonderful World

Domain: emotional, cognitive

Population: Adult Mental Health (Forensics)

Category: emotional expression, song writing, lyric analysis, cognitive

Materials: “Wonderful World” lyrics, “Happy List” worksheet, “Wonderful World” with blanks worksheet, guitar, “Wonderful World” guitar chords, writing utensils

1. Hand out lyric sheets. Sing and discuss “Wonderful World”
2. Give everyone a pencil and worksheets.
3. Have clients list 5 things that make them happy on the “Happy List” worksheet
4. Using things from clients’ “Happy Lists,” fill in blanks to “Wonderful World” worksheet.
5. Sing new version of “Wonderful World” with clients’ answers

Behavioral Observation: Participation, appropriate responses, reality orientation, emotional expression

Source: “Wonderful World” performed by Louis Armstrong. Original activity by me.

Submitted by: Bethany Clayton; 3/18/2010

Lyrics and worksheets

Musical Scattergories


Title: Musical Scattergories

Domain: cognitive

Population: Adult Mental Health (Forensics)

Category: leisure activity, team building

Materials: Subject cards, pencil and paper for each team, timer

1. Have clients divide into teams
2. Give each team a pencil and paper
3. Draw a card with a category on it and share it with everyone
4. Set timer for desired amount of time
5. Teams think of as many song titles as they can that fit into the category drawn on the card.
6. When time runs out, each team gets one point for each song they thought of. To get credit for the point someone from the team must be able to sing part of the song.
7. Whoever has the most points at the end wins.

Behavioral Observation: Participation, teamwork, memory skills

Source:, additional categories by me.

Submitted by: Bethany Clayton; 3/10/2010

True Colors


Title: True Colors

Domain: Emotional

Population: Adult Mental Health (Forensics)

Category: lyric analysis, integrated arts

Materials: Recording of “True Colors” and CD player or guitar and song chords, lyrics sheets, 9 Tips for Building Self-Esteem worksheet, large roll of paper (big enough to cover a table), drawing utensils.

1. Introduce and play song “True Colors”
2. Go over song, analyze lyrics, lead into self esteem
3. Hand out Self-Esteem worksheets and go over them
4. Have clients think of 3 things about themselves that they like
5. Tell clients to draw the things on the paper
6. Use finished project as an art poster to hang on the wall (optional)

Behavioral Observation: Participation, self awareness, positive self image, emotional expression

Source: Self-Esteem worksheet adapted from Song by Cyndi Lauper.

Submitted by: Bethany Clayton; 3/9/2010

Rap Writing


Title: Rap Writing

Domain: Communication, academic, emotional

Population: Adult Mental Health (Forensics)

Category: songwriting, leisure skills

Materials: Pre-selected quotes, similes, and idioms, cut into strips with one on each. A bowl/hat/basket to draw out of. Instrumental or beat track, CD player, white/chalk board.


  1. Have clients draw strips of paper.
  2. Using what is on the paper they drew, work it into verses. Can be word for word or re-worded and changed. They can also add their own ideas.
  3. Write verses on the board.
  4. When desired length is reached, play the instrumental track.
  5. Take turns having each client rap at least one verse.

Behavioral Observation: Participation, leisure skills, communication, emotional expression

Source: Quotes from William Shakespeare. Idioms, clichés, similes, and quotes compiled by me.

Submitted by: Bethany Clayton; 3/3/2010

Quotes list

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Waistin' Time


Title: Wastin’ Time

Domain: Social

Population: Adult Mental Health (Forensics)

Category: Lyric analysis, sing along, leisure skills

Materials: Guitar or piano, chords to “Dock of the Bay” by Otis Redding, copies of “Leisure Activities!” handout (attached), copies of lyrics to “Dock of the Bay” by Otis Redding for each client, white board and marker, or chalkboard with chalk.

  1. Hand out lyrics to “Dock of the Bay” to all clients and introduce song
  2. Play song and encourage clients to sing along.
  3. Discuss lyrics of song and what “leisure time” is.
  4. Have clients come up with 50 (or 75, or 100) positive leisure activities and write them on the board
  5. Have clients figure out how many hours of leisure time they have per week (Subtract amount of time for work, sleep, eating, bathing from 168 hours).
  6. At the end of group hand out copies of leisure activities list for clients to keep

Behavioral Observations: Participation, reality orientation, appropriate responses, leisure skills

Source: Song by Otis Redding; List of Leisure Activities by me.


Leisure Activities List:

Submitted by: Bethany Clayton; 3/1/2010

First activity post: "Lean on Me"


Title: Lean on Me (Tips for Building Trust)

Domain: Social

Population: Adult Mental Health (Forensics)

Category: Lyric analysis, sing along, reading

Materials: Guitar or piano, chords to “Lean on Me” by Bill Withers, copies of “10 Tips for Building Trust” handout, copies of lyrics to “Lean on Me” by Bill Withers for each client.

1. Hand out lyrics to “Lean on Me” to all clients and introduce song
2. Play song and encourage clients to sing along.
3. Discuss lyrics of song and what it has to do with Trust.
4. Hand out “10 Tips” worksheet and review them with clients.

Behavioral Observation: Participation, reality orientation, input

Source: Song by Bill Withers; 10 Tips taken from: and edited for time and content by me.

Get worksheet here:

Submitted by: Bethany Clayton; 2/22/2010

First post!

This blog was started to share some music therapy activity ideas (and hopefully get some other people to share theirs). Please feel free to post any type of activity that can be related to or used with music therapy in the comments. You can also send activity outlines to so they can be posted as their own blog entry.

Also feel free to critique, ask questions, suggest other ideas, add new parts to existing activities, adapt activities for a different population or group, and post other similar activities. Any ideas are greatly appreciated!